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The Big Data Blog

2024년 7월 21일2분 분량
리튬이온전지 성능 높일 실리콘 음극재 개발
박호석 교수(성균관대학교) 연구팀이 실리콘 기반 고엔트로피 합금(high entropy alloy)* 소재를 통해 고용량, 장수명 리튬이온전지** 음극 소재 개발에 성공했다. * 고엔트로피 합금 : 주된 원소에 보조 원소를 더하는 일반적인...

2024년 7월 17일1분 분량
Excellent Presentation Award (Hyo Won Bae, 202KBS)
Congratulations! Hyo Won Bae was awarded the Best Presentation Award by the Korean Battery Society.

2024년 1월 16일1분 분량
Excellent Presentation Award (Hyo Won Bae, 2023 KBS)
Congratulations! Hyo Won Bae was awarded the Best Presentation Award by the Korean Battery Society.

2024년 1월 16일1분 분량
Excellent Presentation Award (Hyo Won Bae, 2023 KECS)
Congratulations! Hyo Won Bae was awarded the Best Presentation Award by the Korean ElectroChemical Society.

2024년 1월 15일1분 분량
Excellent Presentation Award (Hyo Won Bae, 2023 KBS)
Congratulations! Hyo Won Bae was awarded the Best Presentation Award by the Korean Battery Society.
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