2017년 5월 17일1분Biomimetic Spider‐Web‐Like Composites for Enhanced Rate Capability and Cycle Life of Lithium Ion BaThe paper "Biomimetic Spider‐Web‐Like Composites for Enhanced Rate Capability and Cycle Life of Lithium Ion Battery Anodes" was published...
2017년 5월 11일1분Korean young researcherProf. Park was ranked by top 3 among all of Korean young researchers in the Engineering fields (evaluated by Jungang Ilbo). More...
2017년 5월 10일1분Best poster award (2017 KSIEC spring meeting)May 10, 2017 Congratulations! to Puritut Nakhanivej who received best poster award in 2017 KSIEC spring meeting which was held in the...
2017년 5월 10일1분Best paper award (2017 KSIEC spring meeting)May 10, 2017 Professor Park received best paper award in 2017 KSIEC spring meeting which was held in the city of Gwangju by The Korean...
2017년 5월 1일1분Advanced Energy MaterialsMay 01, 2017 The paper "Biomimetic Spider‐Web‐Like Composites for Enhanced Rate Capability and Cycle Life of Lithium Ion Battery Anodes"...
2016년 8월 21일1분Dong Hoon's job at LG chemicalsCongratulations! Our lab member, Dong Hoon Suh, who has graduated the master degree in chemical engineering from ESEM got a job at LG...
2016년 8월 20일1분HUSTProfessor Park Ho Seok was invited to give a talk at HUST (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), China.
2016년 8월 19일1분IUMRS-ICAOctober 19, 2016 Professor Park Ho Seok participated as an invited speaker in the International Union of Materials Research Societies -...