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What it does

Center for 2D Elementary Surface Redox
Energy Storage(2DRES)

The 2DRES center, which was established in 2020, is supported by the 9-years leader researcher program funded by the Korean government. The goal of our center is to rationally design molecular-level redox sites and multiscale structures of 2D elementary nanomaterials for the discovery of energy storage materials coupled with multivalent ion carriers. This goal will be achieved through the three-phase research direction covering from materials’ design through fundamental understanding to cell engineering.

Our center is expected to have broad academic impacts on energy storage and nanoscience societies by providing an understanding of the structure/property correlation and abnormal charge storage/transport/transfer behaviors of 2D energy materials. These impacts are further extended by developing a new-generation energy storage device that can overcome the technical limitations of existing systems for emerging markets such as EV, ESS, and future electronics, helping to create a sustainable society.

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